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Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Skills Earned:
Understand how to configure AWS services to deploy and host a cloud-native application. I am picking AWS because it is the world market leader in cloud computing for applications, storage and processing power. The AWS's infrastructure I learnt from this course includes VPC, EBS, S3, EFS, EDS, DynomoDB, CloudWatch, ELB and so on.
Automation Anywhere
Skills Earned:
I deploy bots in various devices and also monitor their performance live via the Web Control Room. This is a web-based application, with comprehensive workload management, granular security controls, and an intuitive analytics dashboard
Skills Earned:
Built a chatbot with IBM Watson - Intent, Entities and Dialog - Interact with IBM-Cloud Bluemix.
Skills Earned:
Watson Assistant, Watson Discovery, Watson Knowledge Studio, Watson Natural Language Classifier, Watson OpenScale, Watson ML, Watson Tone Analyser, and Watson Visual Recognition.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Skills Earned:
Understand the know-how in developing a NodeJS serverless app on Amazon Web Services (AWS) after understanding several services across the range of AWS services, including, Lambda, DynamoDB, S3, Postman, Lex and the API gateway.
University of Minnesota
Skills Earned:
Measure the quality-related metrics of the software by analyzing the Unified Modeling Language Diagrams, then create scenarios in order to document and verify quality attributes relevant to software architecture, then understand the importance of software quality attributes at the stage of testing and deployment.
Yonsei University, South Korea
Skills Earned:
Understanding the IoT Architecture layer such as WSN (Wireless Sensor Networks), IoT Cloud Computing, IoT hardware technologies which includes the sensors, actuators, RFID, across various device platforms such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBoard products. The understanding on interaction between IoT and the cloud across various service models such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.
University of Minnesota
Skills Earned:
Understand the project management framework for software development with Agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and XP (Extreme Programming). After understanding the frameworks respectively, I blend them in the combination of Scrum-XP hybrid and Scrum-Kanban-XP hybrid.
University of Virginia
Skills Earned:
Agile Analytics is a practices of development style for project planning, management, monitoring which focuses on the client's end goals to make data-driven prediction. It involves setting up of all the data sources and their ETL scripting, wrangling, storing, visualizing and insights and till deployment.
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